Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us at

Kiwi Smile Clear Aligners

Kiwi Smile clear aligners take a snapshot of your teeth using the impression kit, then slowly but surely shift your teeth, little by little with each new set of aligners until your dream smile is achieved!

Kiwi Smile clear aligners come in multiple sets. Each new set of aligners you wear will gently direct your teeth towards their final position. The amount of sets required varies on a case by case basis. It is dependent on how much movement is required to get your teeth from where they are now, to where they need to be to achieve your dream smile.

Our aligners are hand crafted from Medical Grade Thermoplastic and are fine tuned to fit your teeth like your favourite pair of jandals on a hot summers day. So comfy you don't know you're wearing em' but behind the scenes they're working hard for you to get you from A to B. Oh.. and they're BPA-free.

Kiwi Smile clear aligners are a straight cut that hugs the gum line perfectly. This allows us to gain the required force to slowly but surely persuade even the most stubborn teeth to get in line and sit pretty.

The alternative is a scalloped style, which often don't provide the force required to get the job done and if they do, they often require glued on buttons and bits & bobs that quite frankly just make it less comfortable than it needs to be.

Simple as. Just take the free 1 minute "Am I A Candidate" Quiz on our website and you'll know instantly if you're suitable.


Once you've been qualified Order Your Impression Kit , complete it and return it to us (we pay shipping both ways) and you'll be only a matter of months off your dream smile.


Kiwi Smile clear aligner system is designed for minor to moderate teeth correction, including space between teeth, crowding and rotations.

If you're eligible for our aligners, you'll typically need to wait 6 weeks after having your wisdom teeth extracted before starting with Kiwi Smile clear aligners.

If your would like to start earlier you will need to have a signed letter from your dentist or orthodontist that confirms it is safe for you to start our aligner plan.

Our aligners can work for those with implants. Send us a message and we'll review your smile and determine if we think it is suitable for your to undergo our clear aligner programme.

Our aligners can work for people with missing teeth. Send us a message and we will review your smile and determine if we think it is suitable for your to undergo our clear aligner programme.

The average time it takes to straighten most smiles is 4-6 months, however every case is different and the exact amount of time required for your treatment plan will come down to your unique situation. Our team will assess and approve your plan so you can be sure it is the right fit for you.

We aim to have them delivered within 4-6 weeks from us receiving your returned & completed impression kit. 

All of our customers must have all of their adult teeth.

Therefore being over 18 required generally.

If all adult teeth are present and a parent/guardian signs our treatment consent form then we can potentially move forward. It is best to send us an email to gain further information


To ensure a smooth and successful treatment process, we have established the following warranty protocol regarding Dental Monitoring scans and aligner progression. Please read and understand the terms outlined below:

1. Dental Monitoring Scan Requirements:

a. All patients are required to complete Dental Monitoring scans within 7 days of receiving a system request.

b. In exceptional circumstances where a patient is unable to complete scans within the specified timeframe, written approval must be obtained from the Kiwi Smile Care Team prior to the expiration of the 7-day period.

2. Voiding of Warranty:

a. Failure to complete Dental Monitoring scans within 7 days of the system request without prior written approval will result in the voiding of the warranty.

b. If a patient moves on to the next aligner without completing the required scan and obtaining written approval from the Kiwi Smile Care Team, the warranty will be void.

3. Refinement Plans:

a. In the event that the warranty is voided due to non-compliance with the Dental Monitoring scan requirements, any existing refinement plans will also be void.

4. Procedure for Seeking Approval:

a. Patients seeking approval for an extension or deviation from the scan completion timeline must contact the Kiwi Smile Care Team promptly.

b. The Kiwi Smile Care Team will review each case individually and may grant written approval for deviations from the standard protocol based on the circumstances presented.

5. Communication:

a. It is the responsibility of the patient to communicate any challenges or issues related to completing Dental Monitoring scans within the specified timeframe to the Kiwi Smile Care Team.

b. The Kiwi Smile Care Team will make reasonable efforts to respond to requests for approval within a reasonable timeframe.

6. Modifications to Protocol:

a. Kiwi Smile reserves the right to modify this warranty protocol as needed. Any changes will be communicated to patients through the official Kiwi Smile communication channels.

By proceeding with Kiwi Smile Aligners, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms outlined in this warranty protocol. Non-compliance may result in the voiding of the warranty and associated refinement plans.

Night-time Aligners

Heck yeah! It's safe and effective. However Night-time aligners take a little longer than the 22 hour daytime aligners, so if you're in a rush to get them straight you might want to take that route.

All Night-time aligners customers should follow their prescribed wear time of 10 consecutive hours per night minimum.

The Night-time aligners are even more discreet, so if you're wanting to keep your journey to your dream smile on the down low these are great! They aren't available for all customers however as there are specific requirements for these to be suitable.

The traditional 22 hour daytime aligners are a faster way for customers that are in a hurry to arrive at dream smile city quickly.

Yes, it will take about twice as long to achieve your dream smile. If you're wanting faster results we recommend using our 22 hour Daytime aligners.

There are a few benefits that some people love about Kiwi Smiles night-time clear aligners:

1) They're discreet. People around you won't even know that you're straightening your teeth, unless you tell them...

2) You only have to wear them for 10 hours whilst you sleep.

3) They're affordable - upto 60% less than traditional braces!

Night-time clear aligners are a great choice for those customers that cannot commit to 22 hours of daily wear. However they do take longer and not every case is suitable. If you want to give them a go just select night-time aligners when your completing the impression kit paperwork.

Other FAQs

We're with you all the way. If you think that your teeth need more movement and our team agrees, we will send send you out another impression kit to create refinement aligners and get you the smile your dreaming of.


To qualify for what we call "Refinements" you must have followed the Warranty Requirements stated in our FAQs.


Whilst you're undergoing treatment you will be monitored using our revolutionary Dental Monitoring System. A trained member of our staff will be overseeing your progress which is assessed using powerful Artificial Intelligence. If you need anything or have any questions you can message our team through the Dental Monitoring App on your Phone and we will respond as quickly as possible!

Your treatment plan is assessed by an internationally based Orthodontist.

Once approved, your treatment is monitored by our trained staff here in New Zealand. This enables us to be able to offer excellent pricing and high quality care.


In the extremely rare occasion that if after completing your treatment plan, having followed all the treatment guidelines, you haven't achieved a straighter smile, give us a message so we can talk through your situation and gain a better understanding. We will then assess your results. You may be eligible for a set of additional aligners ("Refinement Plan"). To be eligible you must have completed all required check ins and other requirements stated in our Warranty Requirements.


We accept all major debit and credit cards. Payment plans are available via Paythen.

The Impression Process

We'd love to! In fact we'd highly recommend it.

We include a simple "how to" booklet with the impression kit and you can follow along with our How To Video here. Alternatively when you receive your impression kit, there is a QR code that will take you to the same video tutorial in which we'll go through the impression process step by step to ensure your impressions are a success.


If you get confused just send us a message and we'll give you a call and talk you through it.

Don't stress it. We get it, impressions can be tricky. If they're too distorted to create an accurate 3D model, we'll send you an email explaining what needs to be improved upon to help you avoid making the same mistakes on the next one :)

The Treatment Process

Definitely. Once we receive your completed impression kit we will create a 3D Image and design your treatment plan so you can see where your teeth are currently and all the little movements required to get you to your dream smile.


We'll send you this via email for you to accept before we move forward with creating your clear aligners.


If you ordered an impression kit and when assessing your case, decide you're not a suitable candidate for our clear aligner therapy we'll be more than happy to refund the cost of your impression kit.

It can be done. However we still need you to complete all impressions (two upper and two lower) to ensure that when we create your 3D model that you will be suitable for just the upper or lower aligners, as we need to make sure that your bite will be maintained.

When you receive your aligners you'll see some rubber cylinder shaped thingies. These are our Kiwi Smile Chews, they're used to seat your aligners. To use them pop your aligners in and bite down on them softly, with consistent pressure for a few seconds at a time. Then move them to a new location to bite down on.

It's good practice to seat your aligners with the Kiwi Chews every time you put them back in.

Your custom-made aligners should cover at least one-third of each molar. We try our best to align your smile without being too obtrusive. And... We're pretty good at it! 

This is key. You need to wear your aligners for the entire time as directed by your treatment plan. You should take them out for eating and drinking, but make sure the prescribed plan is followed.

No pain no gain right?... Wrong. Look there's obviously going to be some tenderness when you put a new set of aligners in, as they're working to move your teeth towards their next position in the journey to a straighter smile. This is perfectly normal and to be expected.

We recommend that all Kiwi Smile customers make visits to their regular dentists for routine cleanings and 6 monthly check ups to ensure all is well with those pearly whites of yours.

Hey, we get it. It's easily done.

Send us a message via Live Chat or Dental Monitoring so we can understand exactly where you are in your smile journey, so our monitoring team can give you the best recommendation for what to do.

We'll assess whether its best for you to move back to the previous aligners whilst we make another set, or to move onto the next set. If we need to make you another aligner there will be an additional charge of $250 so please do make sure you look after them.

Congratulations! Now it's important we look after and protect your new smile. In your aligner pack you will have received all aligners required to get your smile straightened, along with a retainer to keep them there.

Post Treatment: wear this retainer for 3 months for 22 hours a day (except for when eating or drinking) to allow your teeth to settle and stabilise into their new positions. Once the 3 months are up, wear them every night for 10 hours to ensure your teeth don't start reverting back towards their old positions.


We recommend replacing your retainers every 6 months. You can order these from us, just ensure you use the same name as you did at the checkout when you ordered your aligners originally so we can find your Dental files easily.

For 2 weeks after completing your last set of aligners you should were your retainer for 24 hours a day (except from eating and drinking). After the first 2 weeks has been completed, you should wear them for 10 hours per night or as directed by your custom treatment plan. To keep them fresh we recommend replacing your retainers every 6 months.

Sure does! We'll throw in our Kiwi Whitening Kit worth $250 for free so you can have the true Kiwi Smile glow when you're finished.

The Dental Monitoring App which you will be using to submit your scans to will notify you whether to move onto the next set of aligners or not.


If the Dental Monitoring App does not tell you to move forward - do not move onto the next set of aligners. This is to protect your oral health and voids warranty.